Tuesday, January 23, 2007

An Inequality [S]

Prove that
[1/2][3/4]......[9999/10000]< 1/100
[S] See comment for solution.I have solved using the technique that is called 'telescoping'.


talegari (ತಾಳೆಗರಿ) said...

solution: observe that [n/(n+1)] < [(n+1)/(n+2)] for every natural n.

as each factor on lhs is less than corresponding term of rhs.

=>[lhs]^2 < [lhs][rhs]
lhs.rhs= [1/2][2/3]...[10000/10001]=1/10001

vhasus said...

sqrt(a) > a If a < 1.
(i.e. sqrt(0.01) = 0.1)

if lhs^2 < 1/10001

=> lhs > 1/100 .

What is the flaw in this argument ?

talegari (ತಾಳೆಗರಿ) said...

sqrt(10001)=100 + some +ve real num

vhasus said...

My point was taking square root of a number lesser than 1 increases the number.

So the inequality reverses.

talegari (ತಾಳೆಗರಿ) said...

I am not able to see your implication on line 5.
Information 1:
(lhs)^2 < 1/ 10001=0.(000999)
Using calc,
max value of lhs=0.009999
(correct of 6 decimals)