Monday, December 03, 2007

Goodbye math blog

To whomsoever it may concern,

I have finally decided to stop writing this math blog. This has no bearing on rest of the contributors. It has been a great journey, I see myself today with a lot more mathematical maturity as I go through old to new posts. The reason to stop is not because I am getting absorbed into more serious math but the lack of purpose for which the blog was created nearly two years ago. ( I feel it is the time to tell the story, how the blog started) I had started messaging friends some curious problems that I normally kept creating for fun, later Sudhir suggested 'why don't you blog?' as it reaches people and people can comment. From then on I have posting problems mostly recreational, though I agree that my recent posts were a bit serious.

But these days there has been no response, comments like before and therefor feel the blog does not serve the purpose it was created for. I did or do not expect that I get comments that are mathematical, but some 'tries' as many of them are reachable to a layman, neither I feel like writing about what problems I am thinking about. So



Khalid Abouzaid said...

Please don't stop
it's a great blog

talegari (ತಾಳೆಗರಿ) said...

Cant help that buddy .. we always have new playgrounds

Anonymous said...

NICE BLOG. My math Blog

talegari (ತಾಳೆಗರಿ) said...

More mathematical links can be found on my blog-
.. since I can no longer edit this page :)

Raj said...

Please don't stop.
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TeDWooD said...

It seems as though some people enjoyed your blog.
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Term Papers said...

Don't math is really fun

Anonymous said...


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