Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Vodafone problem

I was lazily lying on my bed thinking soon after getting up still drowsy...I have change my hutch[no vodafone] account from postpaid to prepaid. Then this thing flashed to me:

1. Now vodafone announces a scheme by which you may choose number/s and you can make calls to that number/s at concessional rate. Lets call this condition as you two are 'connected'.You choosing that number/s also means that person [ those people] can also call you at concessional rate ie., automatically 'doubly connected'. Virtually,There is no limit to the number of people you can stay connected with. I choose some 'n' arbitrary distinct people and see who are connected to whom. I write (a->b) if a and b are connected. Here is a possible map:
3-> nothing

How many such maps are possible?
What if remove the condition that if (a->b) does not necessarily imply (b->a) ?

2. Consider this 'special scheme' in which if (a->b) and (b->c), then (a->c). [ I know this reminds you of equivalence relation :) ]. Now how many maps under both the conditions ?

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